i dont know what i did wrong or if i did anything. i know ive been busy but ive been trying to make it up to you eventhough it wasnt my fault or maybe it was? but one thing for sure i feel guilty until now but still i dunno whose fault is it. or maybe no ones fault? or maybe its just the way life works.
ive been trying to make things back to normal like it used to be. but it seems that u couldnt care less. i miss it when we used to laugh about the most random things. i just have to deal with it, yes i do have other close friends but u are one of them. it makes me sad when we are not like we used to be.theres no more late nite calls, no more lrt-ing to bangsar,no more gossiping about others,no more chinese slang. i know u have ur own life now and u have someone special to tell all ur stories to. im sorry if i hurt u with my words. i know sometimes i can be blunt. and i really do cherish our friendship.
and yes i know friends do come and go.
gossip girl,
*hahah nak jugak
*eh skali skala aku pun nak touching.haha